With a population of 148 million and must largest economy in the continent after South Africa, the state of Nigeria’s economy is a bundle of extreme contradictions. The american sources 10% of its crude imports from abundant oil fields in the Niger Delta, a region that is also the location of one of the largest know natural gas reserves in the world. Despite these natural endowments, Nigeria is crippled with rampant poverty and depressing macroeconomic indicators and human development indices. Unemployment is endemic and more than 54% of its population endures less than $1 each day. Decades of political turmoil, civilian unrest and large scale government mismanagement are largely to blame for this state of Nigerian functions.

The return of democracy in 1999 paved the way for economic reforms and also the adoption of an ambitious plan to take Nigeria to the top 20 world economies by 2020. A massive subsequent reprioritisation of economic policy initiatives has brought home tangible results: currency reserves grew fivefold between 2003 and 2006, while GDP growth averaged more than 7%. However, and because of long-standing systemic imbalances, per capita GDP dipped from $444 in 1997 to $430 in 2004, even while poverty levels actually escalated.

The bulk of put in has been Nigeria’s overdependence on oil and gas exports that fetched it an estimated $600 billion in the last five decades, but made little difference to the non-oil sector, which floundered from a climate of policy negligence and inadequate financial and technical support. The thrust of Nigeria’s renewed economic objectives must be on entrepreneurship development, taking into account its mammoth human resource capability, and in a manner that makes inclusive yet rapidly accelerated economic growth possible. Weaning away dependence on non-renewable resources with the simultaneous promotion of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) is crucial to achieving both the 2020 objective and Nigeria’s Millennium Development Goals.

MSMEs have been in control of the rapid growth regarding your multitude of economies throughout world, historically beginning while UK and America to gradually Europe, Latin America and lately in considerable parts of South and East Asia. Currently, additional than 90% of all enterprises in the world are estimated to be MSMEs, accounting for up to 80% of total employment prospects. In OECD countries, the MSME component is as high as 97% of total business activity, contributing between 40% and 60% of GDP1 in states. These statistics hide loads of ideas for Nigeria, in the context of its economic development targets.

First among them will be the fact that wholesome MSME growth is fundamental towards the expansion of rural economies as part of sustained macroeconomic development. MSMEs comprise a diverse mix of agriculture-based, production, services and trade sectors; classified on the basis of asset value and employee base on the given scale of maximum and minimum scores for counts. They often represent an extreme variety when it comes to of size and structure, right from rural artisan guilds, through small machine shops to emerging software and IT firms. Effectively by definition dynamic and comprise a wide involving growth-oriented skill sets, with special needs in comparison to its innovative solutions, technology and equipment and knowledge up-gradation. The central requirement to promote them, however, is improvement of a viable microfinance industry with built-in ease of access for small and medium enterprises.

At the policy level, Nigeria has taken proactive steps to promote MSME initiatives, the most notable being a legislative amendment that requires commercial banks operating in the country to set aside 10% of pre-tax profits for investment in smaller facilities. Both the IMF and World Bank currently run separate outreach programmes to aid Nigerian micro-financing through tailored procedures for streamlining credit evaluation and monitoring micro-loans. The effectiveness of these measures has been borne out to some extent by recent developments.

In June this year, the Nigerian government announced the disbursement of $20 million2 in small-scale industry loans. This is a huge achievement considering it multiplied out of the $8.4 billion initial World Bank grant to the sector in 2006. Policy makers negotiated the habitually poor access to loan and equity capital in Nigeria with the introduction of brand Udyog Aadhaar Registration Form Online new micro-financial institutions that afforded wider and deeper funding solutions.

Despite this initial euphoria, the overall Nigerian MSME productivity and growth potential remains acutely minimal. Business development services continue to be generally underdeveloped in terms of projected potential, and especially poor in rural areas outside important urban focus revolves. Besides inherent infrastructural deficits, MSME growth rates are being further affected by associated with entrepreneurial knowledge, particularly the ability to identify rewarding business occasions.

A trademark is your business’ identifier, it protects ownership of your name, logo, tagline, or whatever mark you may use to identify to the consuming public your business’ product or service. Here are just a few logical reasons why you need to protect your brand:


Trademark registration online renewal of trademark in india your mark gives everyone constructive notice of your ownership. In my view, this is among the of, if not the most compelling reason for registering your mark. With notice, a alternative party doing a explore an identical or similar mark as yours will realize that you already own the mark, that is therefore put on notice that its use of an identical or similar mark to yours may result in trademark infringement. 3rd workout party is positioned notice to choose a new and different mark. With such notice, registering your mark prevents a potential conflict in the future.

Social Media

Social media is a fabulous resource for some businesses. Customers search for brand names on the many social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Each social media marketing venue has policies into position to drive back improper activities including improper marketing. Unfortunately, the practice of a person(s) or entity improperly using another company’s name or brand on social media optimisation for financial gain, for example, isn’t uncommon. Such improper practices can result in the venue suspending the wrongdoer’s social networks account. Observe venue’s policies for info. However, I identified that whenever complain the social media site of wrongdoing and claim that another is your brand without permission, the social administrator responds with a request of proof of ownership for the subject designer. A trademark registration gives compelling proof of brand control.

Brand Loyalty

Registering your mark shows a persistence for your brand name and shows buyers that marriage commitment. The goodwill that can be developed through such commitment is invaluable to a profitable business.


Cybersquatters register domain names that are identical or in order to other parties’ trademarks or known brands with really the only purpose of promoting them (to the rightful owner) for a high subscription. The Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act allows a trademark owner to go to court and collect damages from individuals who register a site name the actual identical or similar for your own trademark.

Trademark Renewals

Trademark registration can work for as long as you continue while using mark in commerce. There are some firms that have registered trademarks which are over 100 years old.

Trademark registration may not be for every business. However, there a variety of compelling causes of protecting your brand because you protect any other business skill. A trademark is your business’ brand, its identifier. Protect it with trademark registration.